Information on cookies used by this website
Pursuant to Art. 122 and Art. 13 of d.lgs. n. 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code), Santamaria s.n.c., based in Monza (Mb) – , email, as the controller, informs the user about the cookies used on this website (“the Website”) and the data from these collected. Data processing (cookies and data from these crops) happens with us. What are the cookies and which cookies use the Site cookies is a short computer document (formed by a sequence of letters and numbers) that is sent from the Site to the user terminal and stored here browser, i.e. the Internet browsing program used (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome). The cookies is used as an information tool between web server and browser and can have different features and functions. In particular, the Site uses the following types of cookies: – “technical cookies”, necessary for the operation of the Site and to satisfy user requests: for example cookies session for multimedia content, cookies authentication to access certain sections of the site; such cookies are session, and therefore remain in the terminal only during navigation of the Site and are not used for commercial purposes; – “cookies of analysis”: these are cookies that collect information about the use of the site: this information is acquired for purely cognitive purposes, it is not combined with the identity of the user and is used to identify the sections of the most visited site and thus provide users with useful information and greater interest. This information is the IP addresses of the user terminal, the addresses of the resources of the requested Site (e.g. the web pages visited), the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the browser used and other technical parameters. These cookies are persistent, and therefore remain in the terminal for a period of 2 years. The data acquired through such data cookies are also stored through a system CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and used by Santamaria s.n.c. – cookies advertising and profiling aimed at direct marketing: this is a cookies that is installed in the user terminal and provides information on the pages visited and the resources requested by the user, in order to segment users and provide promotional and marketing information aimed at their needs and tastes. This information may be combined with the user’s name, for example in the event that it is registered and connects to the site with its credentials. These cookies are persistent, and therefore remain in the terminal for a period of 2 years. The data acquired through such cookies is also stored through a CRM system (Customer) Relationship Management and used by Santamaria s.n.c – third-party cookies for interaction with social networks, in particular Facebook: such cookies are installed on the user's computer in order to allow the social network to identify members when interacting with their plug – in.
How can you accept or refuse cookies
You may freely decide whether to accept or reject, in whole or in part, the cookies of the Site, setting the browser for receiving or rejecting cookies through the relative functionality of browser. For more information, please consult the online browser guide, generally accessible from the toolbar at the top of the screen. If the disabled are disabled cookies, some features of the Site may not be usable. Even with all cookies disabled, the browser may continue to store some information necessary for the basic use of the Site. To delete cookies from your browser and delete all cookies that are currently saved on your computer, reset your privacy settings or select “cancel cookies”. For more details
The user can directly, at any time and without formality, exercise the rights referred to in Article 7 of the Privacy Code referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, and therefore obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of data concerning him, to know the content and origin, verify its accuracy or ask for its integration or updating, rectification, cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or blocking of data s.n.c., at the above addresses.